Category Skepticism and Science


On Tuesday there was a terrorist attack in London.Compared to the attacks of 2015 and 2016, I think the response of civilization has improved considerably:

Poking holes at Sam Harris’ bear example

If you cooperate systematically with systematic non-cooperators, you’re enabling them, you become their accomplice, and I don’t see myself trying to put a project together with a bear in the short or medium term, but I do see myself working and living with humans around me.

Intersectionality debunked

Contrary to the common assumption that racism and sexism are twin prejudices propping up a white male power structure, minority women are far less likely to be the target of racist treatment than minority men.

Vindicating Columbus Day

Columbus Day is usually met with outrage and indignation. This is an oversimplification of a complex matter that can’t —and shouldn’t— be reduced to the atrocities commited by Spaniards more than 500 years ago.

Men can talk abortion

I don’t need to be black to reject racism, I don’t need to be gay to reject homophobia, I don’t need to be Muslim to reject the anti-Muslim bigotry, and I don’t have to be a woman to support abortion.

The actual hard target for Skepticism

This a real, major threat to the skeptic movement. This is our actual hard target because if we don’t stand our grounds and our principles, there will be no skeptic movement left to fight pseudoscience, god-thumpers, the multiverse, the Singularity, or overmedication.