We don’t need atheists like Ed Brayton, who think it’s OK for children to be brainwashed before they know how to spell their name
Category Philosophy
I would like to think that CFI has now learned its lesson, and won’t even touch an SJW with a ten-foot pole — with Melody Hensley and Kavin Senapathy they have had enough dragging their name through the mud.
Atheist Day goes to show our fellow heathens that they are not alone — if this initiative or this post helps even just one atheist anywhere in the world to feel more at ease or that not all is lost, that makes it worthwhile enough for me
For a world with more readily and affordable access to abortions, HPV vaccinations, evidence-based sex education & sex workers’ protections
Gee, it must be a day ending in Y, for there’s a new deliberate misrepresentation of something Richard Dawkins said…
While the bar named after Hitchens closes its doors, the world around it is dismantling everything that he defended in his life and his works.
Quentin Tarantino‘s ninth film, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, will be released worldwide by late July. The movie is…
Christopher Hitchens pointed out that the fatwa against Salman Rushdie was the opening shot in a culture war against freedom. The state of the world seems to agree with him.
The Four Horsemen, a souvenir of a time when reason and science dominated the conversation
Words and ideas lack the power to change the course of material world events by themselves.
The ECHR should be clear about the most elementary aspects of the job: legal protections are for people, not ideas or feelings.
Kavin Senapathy thinks that people who disagree with her on anything are bigots by definition
From what their co-chairs answered, the Latinx Humanist Alliance is just more “social justice” and intersectionality in the name of humanism. Too bad: Latino humanists could have really used a hand in Trump‘s America.
What can we claim with reasonable certainty today, thanks to grievance studies, that we did not know 10, 20, 30 years ago?
The whole point of human rights is that, by definition, they are counter-majoritarian — but if rights can be voted into existence, they can also be voted *out* of existence.
Refuting a post by Andrew Gripp in which he calls for a State-sanctioned prohibition of meat inspired, no less, by a religiously-motivated similar ban in India
On Tuesday there was a terrorist attack in London.Compared to the attacks of 2015 and 2016, I think the response of civilization has improved considerably:
If you cooperate systematically with systematic non-cooperators, you’re enabling them, you become their accomplice, and I don’t see myself trying to put a project together with a bear in the short or medium term, but I do see myself working and living with humans around me.
Treating Islam as a race, instead of as a religion, hinders the efforts to treat all citizens equally under the law, by way of giving Islam a special treatment, that is religious privilege.
I am reposting the Erdoğan poem — because an important part of free speech is the freedom to criticize and mock (and even insult) authorities