The ‘Science’ March is helping disguise as science the many very popular anti-scientific hypotheses that have hijacked the struggle for equality.
Category Philosophy
The atheist rift is between people who follow Enlightenment principles and those who believe in authoritarian principles
The “trapped in the wrong body” idea assumes that consciousness is an ethereal entity which can be scalded from the body without altering its essence.
The bigoted prudes had the UN drop Wonder Woman as their Honorary Ambassador because, apparently, judging women by their looks is not wrong when they do it.
It’s not an attack on Muslim population — the ban only applies to places and circumstances where it is legally required to see the full face of individuals for identification purposes.
Contrary to the common assumption that racism and sexism are twin prejudices propping up a white male power structure, minority women are far less likely to be the target of racist treatment than minority men.
Columbus Day is usually met with outrage and indignation. This is an oversimplification of a complex matter that can’t —and shouldn’t— be reduced to the atrocities commited by Spaniards more than 500 years ago.
The burkini debate is a symptom of the weakness of Europe because it avoids facing the real issues posed by Muslim communities that reject Western values.
So, when someone, anyone, says “Happy Holidays” or “All Lives Matter”, instead of getting mad, maybe you should ask yourself what is it with your pet issue that have alienated people away from your cause?
I don’t need to be black to reject racism, I don’t need to be gay to reject homophobia, I don’t need to be Muslim to reject the anti-Muslim bigotry, and I don’t have to be a woman to support abortion.
More than 100 Nobel laureates signed an open letter to Greenpeace urging them to stop sabotaging the Golden Rice particularly, and GMO’s research generally. The letter was also sent to the UN and the governments around the world
The only two actual feminists that still exist, Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia, sat down and talked about the current state of feminism and the authoritarian Stalin-esque streak that seized the women’s rights movement.
In this video JP Sears shows how ridiculous it would seem if meat eaters acted the way vegans do when they think theirs is a morally superior diet — it’s hilarious:
This a real, major threat to the skeptic movement. This is our actual hard target because if we don’t stand our grounds and our principles, there will be no skeptic movement left to fight pseudoscience, god-thumpers, the multiverse, the Singularity, or overmedication.
Maybe Weinberg wasn’t as accurate as he could have been, but his statement remains true to a certain degree. Some times evil is done without invoking a god; but it is always done with the psychological set of tools that characterizes religion.
To carry out such an attack on such short notice, it is plausible to think the terrorist cell altered a previous plan to make a statement yesterday.
Isn’t it funny that, just like creationists, some vegans exist today thanks to an evolutionary process they insist on denying?
Porn users have just been vindicated. We already knew the porn-sexist trope to be BS, but it’s always nice to have it backed up with peer reviewed evidence.
I really wonder where did all of your critical thinking skills went, Novella, because you’re so wrong on so many levels, it’s just shameful.
At some point Charlie Hebdo chose not to draw Muhammad any longer… or so we were told. But it isn’t true: