Tag Sexism

Intersectionality debunked

Contrary to the common assumption that racism and sexism are twin prejudices propping up a white male power structure, minority women are far less likely to be the target of racist treatment than minority men.

The interpretation cop–out

The interpretation of a text occurs when it is unclear in its literalness, so it is necessary to go to the context or the principles assisting it as motivation. Are they going to argue that god dictated its magnum opus in such a way it would lose consistency over time, or with metaphors that would cause confusion depending on who interpreted them?

Men can talk abortion

I don’t need to be black to reject racism, I don’t need to be gay to reject homophobia, I don’t need to be Muslim to reject the anti-Muslim bigotry, and I don’t have to be a woman to support abortion.

Malala gets the Peace Nobel

I’m happy about Malala Yousafzai getting the Nobel Peace Prize because hers is a political agenda that might actually help improve the lives of everyone in Pakistan. Getting women to study is giving them the tools to free themselves from superstition, giving them opportunities to question the status quo and letting them think for themselves.