Jonathan MS Pearce released an ebook of previous writing on the subject of classical theism – the belief that God is all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful – back in 2015. After some demand to put it into paperback format, Onus Books are happy to announce that it is now out as a paperback book.
The description is as follows:
This book sets out a cumulative case that puts classical theism, the belief in an all-powerful, -knowing and -loving God, under the spotlight. God is left wanting as Pearce brings together previous blog writing, adapted pieces and original writing to hammer home the point: classical theism is incoherent. This ebook is perfect for armchair philosophers, Christian apologists, and interested atheists and theists everywhere, as well as packing a solid philosophical punch suitable for the more philosophically inclined reader. Something for everyone.
“The Problem with “God” intends to “put classical theism under the spotlight” and on the rack, and that is a goal that it achieves in one concise essay after another. It constitutes a welcome addition to any library of philosophical challenges to the classical, philosophical conception of God, and for that purpose and all need remaining to it, it is pleasantly recommended.” – James A. Lindsay, author of Dot, Dot, Dot: Infinity Plus God Equals Folly.
The Problem with “God”: Classical Theism under the Spotlight [UK] is now available in both formats.