Category Science

22 Answers To Messages From Creationists

Matt Stopera of BuzzFeed asked 22 Creations to write down some questions for the scientifically literate following the Nye/Ham debate. I thought it would be fun to answer these questions playing the role of Bill Nye The Science Guy. You can see the photos of the Creationists asking the questions on the BuzzFeed article.

Bill Nye’s Missed Opportunity

Last night I watched the Nye/Ham debate. I know a lot of atheists got on Bill’s shit for even standing next to a hack like Ham, but I was not one of them. As an atheist, I am forced to debate ridiculous beliefs all the time. Ignoring ridiculous beliefs won’t make them go away. Creationism is a ridiculous belief and Bill Nye the Science Guy couldn’t ignore; he had to debate against it and I support that.

Ignoring Ridiculous Beliefs Won’t Make Them Go Away

In a few weeks, Bill Nye the Science Guy will be debating Ken Ham the Creationist “Museum” Guy. When this was first announced, many atheists lost their shit. Richard Dawkins has long held the position that he will not debate a Creationist because he thinks it gives validity to Creationism. That’s his choice, but I disagree. We can’t stick our heads in the sand and pray Creationism goes away.

A Shift in Our Thinking

We have to shift the way we think about the world and our place in it. Instead of thinking in tribalisticly, we need to start to recognize that we are one race. Could you imagine how much progress humanity could make if we stopped fighting over resources and used that money and effort to make the world a better place and to advance human understanding?

Religious Strife vs. Scientific Advancement

Last night Richard Dawkins was on the Daily Show and has once again demonstrated why I am not a fan of his television appearances in America. Maybe he does better with a British audience, I don’t know, but when it comes to American audiences, he just doesn’t do a good job.

My Interview With Ray Comfort

Yeah that’s right, I interviewed Ray Comfort! Last week, I read an excellent interview that Hemant Mehta did with Comfort and I thought to myself, “I want to interview him too.” My plan was slightly less friendly than the Friendly Atheist. I don’t think it is fair that Ray edits his interviews so my plan was to edit my interview with him. But that Ray Comfort is a wily one. No, no, you can’t con a con.

The Space Race Has Begun

A while ago, I heard about a planned manned mission to Mars… or at least Mars orbit. This is sort of cool, but it’s mostly lame. It’s like climbing the highest mountain and then suddenly stopping right before you reach the peak, turning around, and going home. Without stepping foot on the surface of Mars, the trip is just a waste of time, money, and resources.

Awe & Wonder In Atheism

Many religious believers seem to think that they have the monopoly on awe and wonder in the universe. Some actually cite awe and wonder as evidence for their deity of choice. This I think is an insult to the human experience.

The Smoking Gun Evidence For Evolution

Christian evangelist Ray Comfort is at it again. I recently popped in on his Facebook page and noticed that he surprisingly isn’t all that fond of the word, “banana.” That aside, he recently posted a status demanding “extraordinary evidence” for evolution. He clownishly claims that there is no evidence.