Category Science

Dawn Of The Future

Last week, NASA successfully launched the Orion spacecraft into high planetary orbit and returned it safely to the Earth. Even though this was just a test flight, it still had a great deal of significance to me.

The Evidence In The Stars

I Christian recently told me that the evidence for God is in the stars. Let’s explore that for a moment because I would have gone the opposite way on this. I think that the stars are evidence against Christianity.

How Michael Bay Can Help Save The Planet

I’m not really a fan of Michael Bay because most of his films are basically disaster porn. But that’s okay because this blog post has nothing really to do with him. It has to do with a comment someone left on my Facebook page in relation the video of Leonardo DiCaprio’s speech to the United Nations about Climate Change.

The First Contact Litmus Test

Anyone who is a superfan of Star Trek: The Next Generation would know that before the Federation of Planets initiates first contact with an alien world, the people of that world must first develop the capacity to travel at warp speed. Warp drive is the test that the people of a planet must pass before First Contact can occur. But what if in reality the test is something different? What if the test is that a culture must abandon religion and/or supernatural beliefs?

Humanity Without Borders

There was a time when people lived clustered in groups and the various groups had to compete for food, fertile land, and resources. They didn’t have much communication with those from other groups and so it was easy to see other groups as alien. Each group marked their territory and attempted to conquer other territories. Things should be different now.

‘Science Catching Up With God’s Advice’

I recently received a comment from a Christian pointing out that the Bible supports fasting for health reasons and that a scientific study has shown that fasting can be beneficial to cancer patients on Chemotherapy. The commenter then added that “this was another case of science catching up with God’s advice.”

The Rockmaker Argument

Picture this, you are walking on a beach and all you see for miles is sand. Then, out of nowhere you find a perfectly formed rock. How do you suppose it got there? How could a rock have formed naturally?

Does Science Apply To Religion?

Often religious believers will claim that science can’t apply to religion. What they really mean to say is that they would rather not apply science to religion because if science were to apply to religion, it would be extremely obvious that religious claims are not actually true. So of course they will assert that science can’t apply to religion because if you are a religious person, you have to believe that or sacrifice your religion to the alter of science.

The Silver Lining To the Russian Conflict In Crimea

According to a recent article on NPR’s website, the Russians are threatening to shut down a number of GPS ground stations and stop sharing their RD-180 and NK-33 rockets with the United States. For those who have forgotten, the United States has shut down NASA’s Space Shuttle program and currently relies on Russia for all our space travel needs. This means that hostilities with Russia will leave the United States spaceless.

22 Messages From Atheists To People Who Believe In Creation

The BuzzFeed article featuring 22 messages from Creationists is so awesomely ridiculous that I just couldn’t stop with just posting answered to the 22 messages as my character of Bill Nye, so today I’m going to be asking the questions… as atheist versions of the 22 characters from the original BuzzFeed article.