Category Atheist Activism

War On Christmas Archives

I have been blogging for a while now and over the course of time it seems I’ve written quite a lot about Christmas for a variety of platforms. It never really gets old either. Christians continue to fight back in their imagined “War on Christmas.” In an attempt to bolster our supply lines (as it were), I have created this archive of a bunch of articles and blog posts about Christmas. Enjoy and… Happy Holidays! 😉

Atheists Shouldn’t Give Christianity The Winter Season Monopoly

Yesterday, my family and I attended the local Human Light celebration outside of Philadelphia. We try to go every year when we can. It is always fun for the kids and makes me feel great that I am giving them a humanist holiday to celebrate in addition to a secular Christmas. But many atheists don’t approve of Human Light.

Eliminating Religion

A religious believer recently expressed the view that “New Atheists” seek to eliminate religion. The way it was phrased made me think that the religious believer thought that atheists were planning some kind of Nazi style eugenics to hunt down and murder all religious believers. This of course is ridiculous and yet many religious believers think that this is what “New Atheism” is all about.

Holiday Atheist Commercialism

If you visit your local retail store like Target, K-Mart, Walmart, and others, you will notice that they are all Christmased up. Most of these stores however do have at least a half an aisle dedicated to Hanukah. This is interesting because Jews only make up a whopping 1.7% of the American population. Committed atheists make up 5% of the population and we have zero space dedicated to secular winter celebrations.

Ethical Evolution

I’ve been an atheist activist for a long time now and I want to tell you why. It isn’t just because I lack a belief in deities; it is because I have realized that belief in deities has and continues to impede human progress – not just technologically, but morally.

Why Advocating For Atheism Is Important

Earlier this month, the National Atheism Party held their annual convention and Dusty Smith of the Cult of Dusty YouTube channel gave a great speech. Today, I would like to highlight some of my favorite parts of the speech because I think they are extremely important and every atheist should think about it.

Building A Facebook Community

When I started Dangerous Talk, I wanted it to be a community of people who could explore politically incorrect topics. I wanted it to be a community of geeks who weren’t afraid to dare to be different. I wanted it to be a community of Dangerous Talkers. Over the years, I have gotten away from that and I want to move it back in that direction.