Category Atheist Activism

Resolution 41

Today is kind of a big deal for science, skepticism, and atheism. It’s Darwin Day. Personally, I’m not a fan…

Getting To The 24th Century

I grew up in a pretty sheltered environment and I think that has a lot to do with why I am so outspoken about my lack of belief in deities and my support for skepticism and science. I had never met anyone who valued religion over science until I went to college.

Christmas Whine

Christians are always whining that atheists of trying to ruin Christmas. They say that we are “party-poopers” and that we are “pissing on their parade.” They even call us “big meanies.” Why? Because we demand equal treatment and because we put up billboards advertising our ideas to our demographics.

The ‘War on Holiday’ has begun

Christians are always talking about the “War on Christmas,” but the fact is that no one has forced anyone not to say “Merry Christmas.” The same can’t be said for the greeting of “Happy Holidays.” So I don’t think the war is on Christmas at all. I think the war in on holidays and what is going on in my local area is proof of that.

Atheists In Politics: Now Is The Time

We need a rational voice in government and right now there is only one congressman who is an open atheist and a strong supporter of our secular values. That congressman is Rep. Pete Stark, Democrat from California’s freethinking 15th. Now Stark is under fire in a tough political race with a fellow Democrat who just so happens to hate atheists.

Free Saber 2.0

Despite the fact that I keep correcting journalists when they call Egyptian atheist activist, Alber Saber a “Coptic Christian,” most journalists don’t know who he is or what has happened to him. His story remains a fringe story banished to the rarely read religion sections of most media outlets.