The last section of the webpage “weaknesses of evolution” is some helpful tips from creationists about how to prevent misunderstandings.
Here’s the challenge. Can any ID proponent detect design?
I got to thinking about something this morning. This is barely past the ‘notion’ stage here. But is rational thinking…
Does not knowing exactly how something happened imply that it didn’t happen?
Billionaire Clive Palmer, CEO of Blue Star Line, has decided to build a modern replica of the Titanic. Normally I…
Creationists are constantly harping on the difference between “micro-evolution” and “macro-evolution”. ‘Micro’ being the small changes within a population that is readily observable in nature and the lab. ‘Macro’ being the larger changes between higher taxonomic levels. Personally, I greatly dislike this artificial distinction. There is evolution.
I was reading John’s free book today(PDF) (Thanks John!) and came across this quote, which so well refutes one of…
Morning everyone. I do not say good morning, for it really hasn’t been. I sometimes think that the greatest power…
Bull cookies. Creationists have been claiming this for decades. Very often, they will also talk about how mutations damage genes…
Creationists complain when science can’t do in 20 minutes what it takes nature millions of years to do. Induced mutations…