Check out my newest book, Psychology Gone Astray, with a look at the contents and an excerpt!
Category Pseudoscience
In which you feel my pain and triumph as I grade freshman general psychology papers, sharing humorous snippets along the way.
In which the placebo effect is examined, and shown how it could be responsible for why many complementary and alternative medicines “work.”
In which we present an exercise in critical thinking and spotting logical fallacies, under the guise of logically proving that zombies do exist.
In which we examine if any complementary or alternative medicines have a use in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
In which you learn about doomsday cults and cognitive dissonance via satire.
In which I reveal the cover of my latest book, and there is a brief excerpt for your enjoyment.
In which one of my students examines exactly how those magical “Power Bands” helped people be stronger, better, faster, and longer.
In which one of my students looks at the actual evidence to support astrology as a science, and finds it sorely lacking.
In which the reprehensible and pseudoscientific “cure” for homosexuality, reparative therapy, is shown to have gone worldwide.