Tag Religion

Religion Is an Embarrassment To Humanity

There really is no nice way of saying this but religion really is an embarrassment to humanity. I just have a hard time believing that the majority of the people on this planet are willing to suspend the use of logic, reason, and the scientific method in favor of ancient myths that are ridiculous, self-contradictory, and immoral. Why would anyone belief such absurd stories from people who thought the world was flat over the actual scientific understanding of our modern world complete with testable evidence.

Rise of the ‘New Mathematicians’

There is a dogmatic movement within Mathematics to get people to abandon their deeply held belief that 2+2=5. These “New Mathematicians” don’t respect everyone’s opinion about Math. Instead, they not only wish to push their own view of math on others, but they actually go out of their way to tell those with differing beliefs that our math is wrong. Worse yet, these “New Mathematicians” are preaching this view in schools and trying to make children as hateful and bigoted as they are about math.

Tell Your Coming Out Story

One thing about religion that I always found damning is the way religion has warped the minds of parents when their children leave the faith. More than anything else, this speaks volumes about the cruelty of religion. That is why I think it is important to tell these stories so that others can bear witness to them.

Instrumental In Leaving The Faith

What or who was instrumental in your de-conversion? This to me is an interesting question for a few reasons. First, I’m fascinated by why people believe what they believe and why or how they lose those beliefs. Second, knowing what was instrumental in people’s de-conversion could help in de-converting others. Third, I have no real frame of reference for this question.

Moments of Transition

How the world could have been. Obviously we can’t go back and change history and prevent the terrible tragedy that was the 9/11, but we could think about how we reacted to those attacks and how we continue to react to what happened on that day.

Hello? Your Beliefs Are Ridiculous!!

Every once in a while, I have to force myself to step back from the whole religion debate and get some prospective. Religious believers ask me every day why I don’t believe in God and I can rattle off any number of debating points. I can point out the lack of evidence, the contradictions in the Bible, the aspects of the Bible which have been shown to be false through science, the “creative” process that has gone into the writing of the Bible, the logical arguments against the concept of God, etc. All that being said, sometimes I just have to remind the religious believer that the whole concept is flat out ridiculous!

The Space Race Has Begun

A while ago, I heard about a planned manned mission to Mars… or at least Mars orbit. This is sort of cool, but it’s mostly lame. It’s like climbing the highest mountain and then suddenly stopping right before you reach the peak, turning around, and going home. Without stepping foot on the surface of Mars, the trip is just a waste of time, money, and resources.

Lucky For Weiner, I’m an Atheist

Recently, the news has been abuzz about former Congressman and possibly future NYC Mayor Anthony Weiner’s latest sex photo scandal. For me, this is really a non-issue and I have my lack of belief in deities to thank for it.