The Media Is Doing It Wrong: Rise of the ‘Nones’

On Thursday, I wrote an Examiner article about the rise of the “nones.” Apparently the media loves the fact that according to the new Gallup tracking poll, the “nones” only grew .3% from the previous year. The religious are thrilled that our rise is “slowing down.” But they really shouldn’t be.

Getting To The 24th Century

I grew up in a pretty sheltered environment and I think that has a lot to do with why I am so outspoken about my lack of belief in deities and my support for skepticism and science. I had never met anyone who valued religion over science until I went to college.

Atheists Shouldn’t Give Religious Apologists Credibility

When I was in college, just about every Christian fundamentalist I knew recommended that I read Christian apologist Josh McDowell. He was held up as “the guy” that would convert me. At some point, a Christian friend even bought me McDowell’s most well-known work, “More Than a Carpenter.” To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.

Transformers: The God Gambit

I’m a huge fan of the old Transformers G1 cartoon and now I have gotten my son into the show too. Yesterday, he was watching a second season episode called, “The God Gambit” and it caught my attention.

Liberal Talk Show Host Claims Atheism Is A Religion

Yesterday, I was in my car listening to the radio when I caught the end of a segment from the Thom Hartmann program. Since it was New Year’s Day and all, the show was running segments from earlier in the year and this particular segment featured the host, Thom Hartmann, claiming that atheism is a religion.

The World Will End… Tonight!!!

I know that there were a lot of people worried that something was going to happen because the Mayan calendar had run out. Some people even thought the world was going to end. When December 21st passed, people said that the Mayans were wrong. But they weren’t.

Happy HumanLight

Today is the conjunction of three holidays and Christmas ain’t one. Many atheists are aware that today is Festivus. But…