Benedict XVI: A Pope Remembered

I’m going to miss old Pope Palpatine. Say what you will about his ridiculous beliefs, his hard line position against gays and condoms, his Nazi past, or his direct involvement with the church sex abuse scandal, old Joey the Ratzinger was fun to follow on the Twitter.

Christians Believe You Are Saved By Chance

I love it when Christians claim that atheists believe that we are the result of random chance. It is at best an oversimplification of evolution via natural selection. But let’s turn it around a little. While Christians are unlikely to admit it, it makes just as much sense to point out that they believe that people are saved by chance alone.

Atheism Needs Your Vote Today!

Every year, Netroots Nation has a big conference in which they gather a bunch of progressive activists together for training and informational sessions. In the age of the internet, Netroots Nation has become kind of a big deal. This year, they are having a contest to decide who will get a free booth at the conference to promote a cause. American Atheists Inc. is one of the contestants.

New Political Revolution Begins!

It seems that there is a new political revolution taking place and it is not in America. I was surprised to hear about it this morning and I doubt much of the mainstream media will be covering it, but the new political revolution has taken root in Italy.

It’s About Ideas, Not Labels

Last night, I attended my county Democratic Party nomination convention. The keynote speaker was an elected official from a neighboring county and he gave a pretty good speech. One thing in particular that I liked was that he talked about how it isn’t just about helping people win with “D’s” next to their name. It is about helping people win who support our values. It isn’t about party affiliation; it is about real issues that affect real people.

Religion Is Comfortable With Science… Only To A Point

Whenever the debate arises between science and religion, there are generally liberal theistic believers who come forward to express their support for science while touting their religious identity. These liberal theistic believers then declare that there is no debate between science and religion. They are wrong!

Anti-Drama Pledge

Lee Moore of A-News recently offered to sit down with the two warring sides of the atheist infighting in an attempt to mediate the dispute. He continues to push for this and that’s great. Now Daniel Fincke of The Camels With Hammers adds his own attempt to end the infighting by issuing a “Civility Pledge.”

A Better Golden Rule

Often times when I discuss the problems with biblical morality, more progressive religious believers attempt to ignore everything the Bible says on morality except for a handful of verses. I am told that the main moral tenant of Christianity, for example, is the Golden Rule.

Did The Pope Really Seek Immunity For War Crimes?

Look, I love a great conspiracy theory as much as anyone, especially when the Pope is involved. In fact, I even published an Examiner article joking about five Pope conspiracy theories (the photoshop on the last one is awesome, BTW). My article however was intended as humor and that was pretty obvious from the tone. Today, I see a lot of people re-posting that the Pope had a meeting scheduled with the Italian president to “beg” for immunity from prosecution.