Last night Richard Dawkins was on the Daily Show and has once again demonstrated why I am not a fan of his television appearances in America. Maybe he does better with a British audience, I don’t know, but when it comes to American audiences, he just doesn’t do a good job.
A year and a half after Jessica Ahlquist won her fight to secularize her school by having a Christian prayer banner removed she still faces hate and threats of violence from Christians. Obviously not all Christians are hateful assclowns, but the fact is that many of them are and it really shouldn’t be such a surprise.
When you first think about Pope Francis and President Obama, you might not think they have much in common aside from holding a position of leadership and tremendous power. Upon careful inspection however, they do seem to share quite a bit in common.
Last week, liberal Christian blogger Rachel Held Evans wrote an interesting piece for CNN’s Belief Blog titled, “Hey atheists, let’s make a deal.” So here is her deal:
What or who was instrumental in your de-conversion? This to me is an interesting question for a few reasons. First, I’m fascinated by why people believe what they believe and why or how they lose those beliefs. Second, knowing what was instrumental in people’s de-conversion could help in de-converting others. Third, I have no real frame of reference for this question.
A new movie trailer for a Christian movie has hit the YouTube. The movie is called, “God Is Not Dead,” and it stars Kevin Sorbo. As an aside, I am a Sorbo fan. He was after all the star of Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda which had one and a half awesome seasons before turning to utter crap. Earlier this year, Sorbo was at the Philadelphia Wizard World convention. I noticed his line of completely empty and I thought about go going over to talk to him. Had I known about this film in June, I absolutely would have.
The best atheist interview on TV was pulled off the internet awhile back. To my knowledge only one copy was left in existence. At the Reason Rally, I asked the one person I knew would have it if I could get a personal copy of it to put up on the web.
It is no secret that I think Christianity is a ridiculous religion however the belief in a deity in and of itself is not necessarily ridiculous. It is just improbably and there is no valid evidence to support such a belief. I have heard many arguments for God and most of which are pretty poor. There is one argument that I do find challenging and I think that atheists really need to address this argument in a compelling way.
How the world could have been. Obviously we can’t go back and change history and prevent the terrible tragedy that was the 9/11, but we could think about how we reacted to those attacks and how we continue to react to what happened on that day.
Often times when I am talking about Christianity I try to speak generally. I focus on claims the Bible makes and some of the more popular beliefs that Christians hold. This gets me into trouble because obviously not all Christians are the same and there will always be a Christian who claims that the majority of Christians don’t believe in God literally or something.