Category Hell

Dick Cheney, Jesus, and Torture

The Senate’s report on the CIA’s torture activities has recently been released. Morally, we recognize that torture is wrong and yet so many religious believers have no problem defending their imaginary deity when their religious holy books advocate for eternal torture.

Heaven or Hell: I Choose Hell

A day doesn’t go by when some Christian “warns” me about the looming threat of eternal torture which is sure to await me if I continue to 1. Lack a belief in their God and 2. Not worship their God. These are two separate issues and yet Christians only try to address the first of these concerns.

Don’t Pray For Me

Like many atheists, I often have Christians who threaten to physically assault me. I even get Christians who threaten send me to “meet God.” But they love me. They really love me. In fact, after all the threats, they are sure to let me know that they are praying for me. But what does that really mean anyway?

Theists Will Drown In A Lake Of Semen

As an atheist, I think religion is all a bunch of bullshit and yet when religious believers claim that someone can’t get into their imaginary Disney World or will be tortured in their imaginary Guantanamo, it still bothers me. Yeah, I know it is all bullshit anyway, but like all things it is the thought that counts. So let’s have fun with that.

The Path to Atheism is Paved with Hell

Obviously, it is my strongly help opinion based on the complete lack of evidence and compelling counter-evidence that the entire Christian mythology is fiction. While I am fond of spreading the real “Good News,” that Hell is imaginary too, I think just talking about the concept of Hell is a win for atheism.