According to a new PEW Research report, more than a quarter of Americans now identify as either atheists, agnostics, or as nothing in particular. Isn’t it time for a Secular Forum where Democratic candidates have to answer to secular concerns?
Category Global Climate Change
In solidarity with Sociology professor Kenneth L. Storey, who was fired from The University of Tampa, I’m going to come…
You better watch out; you better not cry. Better not pout; I’m telling you why. The Pope is coming to…
In the future, the world’s environmental problems will get so bad that people will have a hard time breathing the air and drinking the water. Just imagine for a moment that you are living in this dystopian world.
A Christian recently commented to me that because the Book of Revelation talks about greater natural disasters before the End Times, this is proof that God exists the Bible is true. While I have heard this argument before, it hit me funny this time and I lost my shit.
I’m not really a fan of Michael Bay because most of his films are basically disaster porn. But that’s okay because this blog post has nothing really to do with him. It has to do with a comment someone left on my Facebook page in relation the video of Leonardo DiCaprio’s speech to the United Nations about Climate Change.
One hundred years from now we will be dead but it is entirely probable that our children may still be alive. I say “probable” and “may” because it really depends in large part to who wins the culture war. For simplicity sake, let’s look at the two opposing worldviews and see which one offers the best hope for our future.
We have to shift the way we think about the world and our place in it. Instead of thinking in tribalisticly, we need to start to recognize that we are one race. Could you imagine how much progress humanity could make if we stopped fighting over resources and used that money and effort to make the world a better place and to advance human understanding?
It might not have been as fun as Star Tours, but it was much more educational and could help to save human life on this planet. Last weekend, I went on a Solar Tour of various solar and energy efficient homes in the Maryland area.
Every time there is a natural disaster, I hear some crazy Christian leader talk about how God sent the disaster (or at least didn’t prevent it) because of atheists, gays, the ACLU, or some other group that fundamentalists don’t like. Now it is my turn!