Religious believers send missionaries all over the world, they go door-to-door, they have pamphlets, t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc. They are out there trying to “save” non-believers and make us believers. But then they get offended when atheists start to spread the facts about reality and try to de-convert religious believers.
Category Atheism
Did you know that there is an atheist who is putting together a list of all the atheist blogs? Yeah, the Atheist Blogroll is a pretty good site for finding new and interesting atheist bloggers.
I went to a public restroom the other day and saw an obviously phony Obama bill on the ground. Thinking that it was a Tea Party tract, I picked it up and put it in my pocket because I always like to know what the crazies are saying. To my surprise it wasn’t a Tea Party tract. It was even better – A Ray Comfort tract!!!!
That aside, CNN’s belief page recently published a story about how there is a great schism within the Sunday Assembly. Apparently, the Sunday Assembly in NYC had some problems when the London based leaders told the local leaders to distance themselves from atheism. Lee Moore talks about the problems he had with that and why he and others decided to form the Godless Revival instead.
Many times in my conversations with religious believers, they attempt to define me as dogmatic. They claim that “atheists” must hold to the position that there is no God and that we can’t accept the possibility that we could be wrong. They maintain that the agnostic position is the only valid position one can hold and yet they themselves are religious believers.
I have been blogging for a while now and over the course of time it seems I’ve written quite a lot about Christmas for a variety of platforms. It never really gets old either. Christians continue to fight back in their imagined “War on Christmas.” In an attempt to bolster our supply lines (as it were), I have created this archive of a bunch of articles and blog posts about Christmas. Enjoy and… Happy Holidays! 😉
Yesterday, my family and I attended the local Human Light celebration outside of Philadelphia. We try to go every year when we can. It is always fun for the kids and makes me feel great that I am giving them a humanist holiday to celebrate in addition to a secular Christmas. But many atheists don’t approve of Human Light.
We have to shift the way we think about the world and our place in it. Instead of thinking in tribalisticly, we need to start to recognize that we are one race. Could you imagine how much progress humanity could make if we stopped fighting over resources and used that money and effort to make the world a better place and to advance human understanding?
A religious believer recently expressed the view that “New Atheists” seek to eliminate religion. The way it was phrased made me think that the religious believer thought that atheists were planning some kind of Nazi style eugenics to hunt down and murder all religious believers. This of course is ridiculous and yet many religious believers think that this is what “New Atheism” is all about.
I love the winter season, but I am not a fan of Christmas. The other day, I was asked by someone who didn’t know I was an atheist, how can I not love Christmas.