• Thoughts on The New Star Trek Series

    star_trek_3_1984_1CBS has announced that they will be creating a new Star Trek series. Little to nothing is known about the series except that the main person spearheading it was involved with the J.J. Abrams time altered reboot and that this new series will not be directly connected to the third movie of this reset. But what does that mean?

    As far as I can tell, it means that it may or may not be set in the reset universe. In other words, it means absolutely nothing. So what time period will this new series take place and will it be pre-J.J. or post-J.J.?

    I have read a few articles online about what people are hoping for and what time period people want it set in. As far as time period, fans seem to be all over the map. I think it is unlikely that it will be set in a pre-J.J. universe, so even if it takes place decades or centuries after his Star Trek, the events of the reset would almost certainly be in effect.

    One thing that I think almost all the fans are unanimous about is that we want a show that is true to Roddenberry’s humanistic vision. That means that we want a diverse crew exploring new worlds and new civilizations. We want a positive vision of humanity where people work together striving to make the galaxy a better place for everyone.

    Some people seem to still want some grittiness, but I am not one of those people. I want less grit and more optimism. I want to see a pro-science world with less war and more diplomacy. I would say that I want an atheist captain, but I think all of the captains already were open atheists. Since religion and superstition has been a thing of the past, they had no reason use the term.

    Star Trek: The Next Generation is probably tied for me as the greatest television show ever. So a new series has a lot to live up to and I am not sure it can live up to it. What would you like to see in the new Star Trek series?

    Category: Geek StuffHumanismScience


    Article by: Staks Rosch

    Staks Rosch is a writer for the Skeptic Ink Network & Huffington Post, and is also a freelance writer for Publishers Weekly. Currently he serves as the head of the Philadelphia Coalition of Reason and is a stay-at-home dad.