  • Conference & Network Launch

    It has been a busy weekend. First, I attended the PA State Atheist/Humanist Conference on Saturday and now I’ve moved Dangerous Talk to the Skeptic Ink Network. I’m still busy tweaking the new site and trying to catch up from the weekend. Oh, and it was Blasphemy Day on Sunday too.

    The conference was awesome! Harrisburg’s notoriously unpopular mayor gave a surprisingly nice welcome speech. The three Silverman’s each knocked it out of the park. Carl Silverman did a great job organizing the conference with Brian Fields. Dave Silverman gave an awesome talk and Herb Silverman was hilariously funny.

    I can’t mention all the great people I got to talk to and hear on stage because that would take way too long and I don’t want to offend anyone I might have forgotten. But it was an amazing event. Unfortunately, it left me with a lot of work to do. Hopefully, I’ll have an Examiner article up soon with a recap of the conference.

    The Skeptic Ink Network (SIN) is the new name and website for what was previously SkepticBlogs. The new network is a significant upgrade and while the site is now fully operational, there is still stuff that needs to be added and/or fixed. Plus, I am told that in addition to the writers that we already have from the previous network, we will be adding a bunch of new writers this week.

    Please change your feed over if you are a feeder. Check out some of the other writers on the network and I hope you will comment and share my posts, and perhaps even donate though the contribute button is the sidebar. I will be keeping DangerousTalk.net around, but like before all new posts will be here from now on.

    Don’t be afraid; dare to be different,

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    Category: Uncategorized


    Article by: Staks Rosch

    Staks Rosch is a writer for the Skeptic Ink Network & Huffington Post, and is also a freelance writer for Publishers Weekly. Currently he serves as the head of the Philadelphia Coalition of Reason and is a stay-at-home dad.