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Posted by on Aug 2, 2012 in Craig debate, god, william lane craig | 1 comment

My debate with William Lane Craig finally released on video

Yes, it’s finally been posted up. Recorded last October in front of audience of 2,000 (largely, though not entirely Christian) at Westminster Central Hall.

I usually watch any recording of myself with my head in my heads, cringing at what an idiot I am, but actually this went alright, I feel. I did wobble in my first rebuttal, partly because I forgot what I was going to say. But the rest of it goes OK. Especially the Q&A at the end.

The point I make about evidence for the resurrection comes across fairly clearly on the video, to my surprise (I had suspected it was too quick to follow) – and I do think it a very strong point (and also original so far as I am aware). People have also previously complained that the audio recording was poor and I couldn’t be heard, but I seem pretty audible on this.

Still, I could certainly have done better. My debating skills are pretty poor compared to Craig’s. There are also points I could have added that would have caused him significantly more difficulty, particularly regarding his playing the skeptical card on the problem of evil. Maybe next time, if there is one….

1 Comment

  1. Fascinating debate.

    I did grow quite weary of Craig’s continued reliance on false dichotomy though. In fact, it appeared to be his sole “reasoning” technique.


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