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Posted by on Sep 2, 2007 in embarrassing moments | 6 comments

Two embarrassing moments

Back from Australia, with jet lag. So posts will now resume as normal…

I went to Australia 4 years ago on book tour and returned with bad jet lag, but had to speak at the Edinburgh book festival nevertheless. Being completely out of it I left my clothes behind in the hotel.

Embarrassingly, I also failed to show up for a poetry reading thing for Amnesty where I was supposed to read a poem for a particular prisoner of conscience (whose name I can’t even remember – which makes it even worse).

Polly Toynbee, whom I admire, was also reading one, so I suppose she now has me down as the bloke who couldn’t be bothered to show up for his Amnesty prisoner….

One of my less impressive performances.

Incidentally, at Cheltenham Festival about the same time I was collared to talk at short notice about The Philosophy Gym on camera for something called “Meet the author”. Unfortunately, I kept referring to it as “The Philosophy Files” (my other book). So I am now preserved for eternity on the internet talking complete gibberish about The Philosophy Files. And it ranks v. high on Google under “Stephen Law”. Embarrassing moment here.


  1. Do you ever smoke cannabis Dr. Law?

  2. A philospher who never smoked cannabis simlpy isn’t qualified 🙂

  3. Hi Nigel. Er, yes possibly. Perhaps I should add that I am normally extremely reliable. You can usually have the utmost confidence that I will indeed show up!

  4. Er, I just deleted Nigel’s comment instead of first draft of my own. So apparently I am still jetlagged….

  5. Nigel had said:This is your funniest post yet, Stephen, by far…but don’t you think you might regret it when you get over the jet lag this time?Nigel a.k.a. Virtual Philosopher.

  6. Oh, I thought you were answering anonymous’ question… 😉

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