  • Islamic terrorist attack in Copenhagen

    BBC reports:

    Gunmen killed one person and injured three police officers during a free speech debate in Copenhagen attended by a controversial Swedish cartoonist, officials said.

    The French ambassador was also present at the debate.

    Reports say up to 40 shots were fired during the attack and a manhunt has been launched.

    Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks has faced death threats after drawing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

    He was not harmed during the attack.

    Shortly after the shooting, a message appeared on the Twitter feed of French ambassador Francois Zimeray saying he was still alive.

    These are the Vilks’ pictures, which I won’t be bullied, threatened or harassed not to show:

    It won’t take long for some people to start making excuses like the “this had nothing to do with Islam” cop-out?

    And terrorism apologists —such as the Pope— will tell us how Lars Vilks had it coming.

    (Image: Wikipedia)

    Category: AtheismPhilosophySecularismSkepticism


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

    Skeptic | Blogger | Fact-checker