A few days ago the results of a project [PDF] conducted by the German Ministry of Education and Research on the safety of GM crops were published:
The results of 25 years of biosafety research show no higher risk to the environment from the cultivation of GM crops than from conventionally bred plants. In view of climate change and population growth and the urgent challenge of providing sufficient food and renewable raw materials for manufacturing and power generation, developing a sustainable, productive agricultural sector is an important government objective. Future BMBF funding programmes will therefore support projects that assess the social, economic and ecological impacts of plant-breeding innovations within specific cultivation systems (e.g. organic or conventional farming), regardless of the breeding method used. This improved knowledge base can be used to develop fact-based decisionmaking aids for farmers – tools that can help farmers evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of modern plant-breeding methods (including genetic engineering) for the cultivation system in question.
To date, the BMBF has invested over 100 million euros in more than 300 projects relating to biological safety research. Of these, more than 140 projects concerned risk assessments of GM plants.
Can anyone please let Bill Nye know this?