From January 1, 2013 to June 9, 2013, 11 children were killed by other children aged 3-6. Here’s the situation.…
Well, it’s not really a new practice. But I’m really curious as to what the anti-GM crowd says about this.…
Dr. Laurence Moran of Sandwalk put up an interesting post yesterday. Why not “teach the controversy”? Why not allow high…
Here is where the creationists excel. Many of them scour the web and research and other publications so that they…
Meyer has long been aware of strong reasons for doubting that mutation and selection can add enough new information of…
A brief discussion of two new papers. One adds significant support for the RNA World hypothesis and the other shows that even tiny changes to the genome can have massive effects on how the protein functions.
Meyer makes another mistake and gets corrected. Shoddy research by Meyer continues. At this point in the book, I think I’ve written 3 or 4 times as many words as Meyer and linked to quite a few more peer-reviewed papers. I hope that I will be able to refer back to these at some point… but we’re still in the prologue and he’s already got a lot of things fundamentally wrong.
Still in the prologue, Meyer starts talking about information and has some problems and makes some mistakes. These problems have been talked about before and I have little hope that Meyer will address them. We’ll see what happens in later chapters, but unless Meyer addresses some of these major issues, then ID is still dead in the water.
Money is a fiction. The paper we see has no intrinsic value. The vast majority of money is merely exchanges of electrons between banks. Yet people will kill, destroy, and corrupt to gain more of this fictional stuff. The same could be said for religion.
Is it that money is the root of all evil or can a more general comment about basing decisions on fiction be made?
I don’t know how much I can stomach of this… I’m going to ignore the four pages where Meyer explains…