Several weeks ago, a commenter requested that I write up some stuff on chemosynthesis. While that seems pretty trivial, and…
Category Life
I’ve been travelling for work recently (remind me to tell you how some fish delayed my flight home for over…
Geological time is divided into various lengths and kinds of sections. This is to make it slightly easier for people…
I’ve been reading some interesting commentary on the Amazon/Hachette kerfluffle. As always, I try really hard NOT to comment on…
Today, we honor the soldiers who have fought for our country. In my own family, my great-grandfather served in World…
In the US (and I assume elsewhere), ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. This applies to everything.…
This came up in an odd way today. Yesterday was free comic day. Basically, you could go to your local…
I’ve begun reading The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive) by Brandon Sanderson. It is an epic fantasy novel and very,…
This falls squarely in the skepticism field here and it’s actually a shame that I feel compelled to write about…
Several years ago (I say ‘several’ and that’s what we’re going stick with!), something relatively important happened in my life.…