I should be very happy today. Yesterday was a good day (not a great day, but a good day) for…
Category Culture
I had a (very long) post about the personal stories of hurricanes. I’m not going to retype it at this…
There seem to be a lot of posts recently about various forms of denialism. So I though I would throw…
I was having a conversation with another parent out amongst the hordes of miniscule demons, ninjas, princesses, autobots, and zombies.…
Global warming deniers make me mad. Not because they are wrong, that’s expected. They are no worse than creationists in…
There is no one, I’m aware of, who has the intelligence, creativity, and outright chutzpa of Josh Whedon. I mean,…
I love me some good science fiction (and I quit watching the so called “syfy” channel when they changed the…
One of the complaints I hear most is “there are no GM food studies done by independents, it’s all company…
This just takes the cake. I always figured it would be biologists first, but no, it’s the geologists. Long story…
I’ve been playing the anti-creationist game for a while now. Not as long as some, but as long as most. …