  • Random Thoughts for Creationists

    In my state of being totally wiped out (just a did a nice big blog post, worked out, full day of work, etc) I have some of my best ideas.  This makes me mad because then I have to get up and write them down.  So here goes.

    The creationists/cdesign proponentists are screwed.  The questions are whether god exists or not, whether he created the universe or not, whether there is an intelligent designer or not.

    These questions will not be answered by arguing on the internet.  These questions will not be answered by book sales.  These questions will not be answered by court cases.

    These questions can only be decided by using the only framework that man has to determine this sort of claim… the scientific method.

    And the creationists/cdesign proponentists are not doing science.

    Sure, you can argue that there are testable hypotheses for ID… but no ID proponent has ever tested them.  Both Dembski and Behe have stated that they don’t do that sort of thing.  Actual scientists, who do actual science have shown the the hypotheses for ID are falsified.  But that’s nether here nor there.  The important point is that no creationist or ID proponent is out in the field making observations or doing experiment work to answer those questions.

    The only people even remotely looking into that sort of thing are scientists.

    Basically, the creationists have said, “We don’t care whether our notions work or not, we’re too lazy to do the work to find out.”

    What’s really funny is that the people who are often claimed to be a in a massive global conspiracy to suppress knowledge of creationism or ID, are the only ones actually doing the work.

    It is said that “who wins the war writes the history books” and that’s true to an extent.  But in this case we have “who writes the papers are the ones who write the papers”.

    Creationists must battle in politics and court cases and classrooms because they know (even if they don’t admit it) that they have lost in the only place that actually matters… science.

    Category: CreationismPhilosophyScience


    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat