I recall attending entire seminars on topics like this as a child. “The world” was one, big scary place…
Tag Simply Silly
Some mornings I really shouldn’t drink coffee at my desk. This is one such day. Articles like this give…
I’m so bummed. If I’d known Joel Osteen before I got diagnosed with cancer, I could have chucked that…
… at leas according to Pat Robertson. Here is the sordid story in Pat’s own words: Well, I’ll be…
GreaserCreatures, an Etsy seller creates the BEST prayer candles ever. Case in point: David Bowie is a saint I…
If was ever lucky enough to be included in the ranks of MNPig (Minnesota Paranormal Investigators Group), I wouldn’t…
So I absolutely love this. It’s worth it to watch all the way to the end.
Huh. I guess my dear husband and I have been doing it wrong all these years. Marriage is “not…
Here we go again. http://youtu.be/TxhWcJxIivw
What do you get when you combine super heros Captain Atheist, Dr. Evolution, Gay Man, and The Feminist? You…