If you enjoy Dawkins and all the work he does, you’ll want to donate to his Foundation for Reason…
Remember when folks in Louisiana thought it was a good idea to use public tax dollars to send students…
You know things are a big amok when NASA scientists have to take time out of their busy schedule…
It seems the Pope has released a book, “The Infancy Narratives — Jesus of Nazareth” that mentions that we…
Requests for exorcisms has doubled in Milan, the catholic church’s largest diocese. They’re receiving so many requests, they’ve opened…
Turns out NASA’s been busy. Because of their work we now have: Cloud technology Speedo bathing suits Fire resistant…
CBS San Francisco’s reporting that because many people find cell phone towers aesthetically displeasing, communication companies are increasingly using…
In case you haven’t heard Pat Robertson has said this: “There was a time when that these giant reptiles…
We were a scouting family. Our son, Peder, began his journey as a Tiger Cub, graduating to Cub Scouts,…
Speaking of things that don’t fit: