• Whew. The Pope hasn’t canceled Christmas


    It seems the Pope has released a book, “The Infancy Narratives — Jesus of Nazareth” that mentions that we probably have the date of Jesus’ birth incorrect. This has caused a bit of a stir in the christian community.

    “Killjoy pope crushes Christmas nativity traditions,” read one tabloid headline, claiming that Benedict had snubbed traditions such as animals in nativity scenes and caroling.

    “Pope sets out to debunk Christmas myths,” ran another.

    Holy Scrooge! Some blogs unceremoniously branded Benedict the new Grinch that stole Christmas and one rocketed him to the “top of the grumpy list for 2012.”

    And then there was this zinger headline from a web news site: “Pope bans Christmas”.

    The Catholic social network site XT3 (no idea what that means) has countered all the kerfluffle by posting a rebuttal stating, “The pope has not banned Christmas.”

    That’s good news for those of us who enjoy this holiday.

    Another section of the book that irked some bloggers is where the pope restates what biblical scholars have known for decades, if not centuries – that Jesus was born several years earlier than the first century AD.

    Benedict writes that since King Herod died in 4 BC, Jesus was probably born “a few years earlier”. He attributes the erroneous fixing of the year of Jesus’ birth to a miscalculation by the monk Dionysius Exiguous some 500 years later.

    “No one’s faith should be shaken by this book,” said Dodaro. “On the contrary, it should be fortified by this account. This is a believable account of the birth of Christ,” he said.

    And in St Peter’s Square, workmen have started building the Vatican’s larger than life nativity scene, which is expected to have animals and singing angels.

    There you have it. The fact that christian tradition has little to no bearing on their holy book should “fortify your faith.”


    Category: In the News


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)