Tag warp drive

The First Contact Litmus Test

Anyone who is a superfan of Star Trek: The Next Generation would know that before the Federation of Planets initiates first contact with an alien world, the people of that world must first develop the capacity to travel at warp speed. Warp drive is the test that the people of a planet must pass before First Contact can occur. But what if in reality the test is something different? What if the test is that a culture must abandon religion and/or supernatural beliefs?

The Future Is Almost Here!

Holy fuck, we are on the verge of creating warp drive! According to a recent article on io9.com, physicist Harold White is working in the lab to test a theory, which if successful could lead to the construction of a warp drive. Aside from the sun, our nearest star is 4.3 light years away, but with this new warp drive, we could get there in two weeks.