Tag Religion

Atheists Shouldn’t Give Religious Apologists Credibility

When I was in college, just about every Christian fundamentalist I knew recommended that I read Christian apologist Josh McDowell. He was held up as “the guy” that would convert me. At some point, a Christian friend even bought me McDowell’s most well-known work, “More Than a Carpenter.” To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.

Liberal Talk Show Host Claims Atheism Is A Religion

Yesterday, I was in my car listening to the radio when I caught the end of a segment from the Thom Hartmann program. Since it was New Year’s Day and all, the show was running segments from earlier in the year and this particular segment featured the host, Thom Hartmann, claiming that atheism is a religion.

Something Bad Happened; Cue The Religious Wackos

It really does seem like every time something bad happens, some fundamentalist religious leader is going to say something stupid. It doesn’t even matter what the bad thing is. It could be a hurricane, an earthquake, a school shooting, or planes crashing into buildings. Whatever it is, right wing religious leaders will blame it on all the predictably irrational causes.

Twilight, God, and Predestination

By now everyone knows that the author of the Twilight books is a Mormon and that the books contain a distinctly fundamentalist view of gender roles. I confess that I have not read the books so I am taking that view in large part from commentaries I have read about the books and from my other confession… I have actually watched the movies and the last movie reminded me about some ideas I had about God and predestination.

Christians: Think Before You Greet

It isn’t that big of a deal, but it still is somewhat of a deal when Christians in the month of December, who mean well, greet everyone they meet with a “Merry Christmas.” Look, no one is going to die because they are greeted by an inconsiderate jerk, but when you are trying to greet someone, you probably should be mindful of how your greeting will be received.

God’s Plan For You Sucks!

Evangelical Christians often tell people that God has a plan for them and that they should just follow his plan. Aside from the obvious fact that God doesn’t exist, even if he did, that advice would still be problematic.