Tag God

An Apostate To Judaism

Last week, I went to the grocery store to do my weekly shopping, but when I returned home I realized that I missed out on getting five boxes of free matzah. That makes me a super bad Jew. It means that I forgot that Passover was coming up and that I missed out on free stuff. Then again, I am an apostate to Judaism, so it shouldn’t be all that surprising.

Global Vision

One of the reasons why I fight so hard against the ideas of religion is because I see religion as detrimental to human progress. Religious thinking divides people, focuses people on ancient mythologies, and gets in the way of our global vision.

The Hard Truth About Religion

A lot of times when atheists argue with or debate with religious believers, we actually take their beliefs seriously and try to refute their claims with logic and reason. This is great and we should definitely keep doing that, but… The hard truth about religion is that almost all of them are flat out ridiculous and we can’t lose sight of that either.

God is an Oldsmobile

Pastor Rob Bell has a new book coming out. In a video promoting his book, he once again starts off making our arguments for us. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

New Political Revolution Begins!

It seems that there is a new political revolution taking place and it is not in America. I was surprised to hear about it this morning and I doubt much of the mainstream media will be covering it, but the new political revolution has taken root in Italy.

A Better Golden Rule

Often times when I discuss the problems with biblical morality, more progressive religious believers attempt to ignore everything the Bible says on morality except for a handful of verses. I am told that the main moral tenant of Christianity, for example, is the Golden Rule.

Fundamentalists Are Coming For Our Kids

Last night, I got to hear author Katherine Stewart talk about her book, “The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on America’s Children.” Before the talk, I was vaguely aware that there were fundy Christian groups pushing afterschool Bible Studies, but I had no idea just how extreme these groups actually are.