Christians often get upset with me and other atheist writers when we talk about the beliefs that a large number of Christians actually believe. They claim that we are merely making a strawman argument, that our criticisms don’t represent their beliefs, and that we don’t give True Christianity the proper thinking that it deserves.
Tag Christianity
I recently left a comment somewhere on the interwebs that there is no valid evidence for any deities. It is a frequent comment I make to start a conversation and challenge religious believers. One religious believer commented back that there was lots of evidence for God – to which I laughed out loud.
Oprah is at it again. This week’s Super Soul Sunday will feature liberal Christian Rob Bell. Bell is a popular Christian mega-church pastor and author with a mission to bring God into the 21st Century because even Christians are embarrassed by their deity.
There really is no nice way of saying this but religion really is an embarrassment to humanity. I just have a hard time believing that the majority of the people on this planet are willing to suspend the use of logic, reason, and the scientific method in favor of ancient myths that are ridiculous, self-contradictory, and immoral. Why would anyone belief such absurd stories from people who thought the world was flat over the actual scientific understanding of our modern world complete with testable evidence.
There is a dogmatic movement within Mathematics to get people to abandon their deeply held belief that 2+2=5. These “New Mathematicians” don’t respect everyone’s opinion about Math. Instead, they not only wish to push their own view of math on others, but they actually go out of their way to tell those with differing beliefs that our math is wrong. Worse yet, these “New Mathematicians” are preaching this view in schools and trying to make children as hateful and bigoted as they are about math.
Yes, A Christian actually told me that atheists take the Bible too literally. I burst out laughing because as an atheist, I don’t take the Bible literally at all; I take the Bible factitious!
When you first think about Pope Francis and President Obama, you might not think they have much in common aside from holding a position of leadership and tremendous power. Upon careful inspection however, they do seem to share quite a bit in common.
The best atheist interview on TV was pulled off the internet awhile back. To my knowledge only one copy was left in existence. At the Reason Rally, I asked the one person I knew would have it if I could get a personal copy of it to put up on the web.
It is no secret that I think Christianity is a ridiculous religion however the belief in a deity in and of itself is not necessarily ridiculous. It is just improbably and there is no valid evidence to support such a belief. I have heard many arguments for God and most of which are pretty poor. There is one argument that I do find challenging and I think that atheists really need to address this argument in a compelling way.
How the world could have been. Obviously we can’t go back and change history and prevent the terrible tragedy that was the 9/11, but we could think about how we reacted to those attacks and how we continue to react to what happened on that day.