Tag Christian

God’s Plan For You Sucks!

Evangelical Christians often tell people that God has a plan for them and that they should just follow his plan. Aside from the obvious fact that God doesn’t exist, even if he did, that advice would still be problematic.

A Case Against Missionaries

Let’s say Tom Cruise sent a “mission” of Scientologists to Uganda to help people. The group brings food, medical supplies, etc. But the poor starving people in Uganda need more than just food and medical supplies, they need hope too. So Cruise and company offer a free personality test and auditing session for everyone. He isn’t forcing Scientology on anyone, merely introducing it to starving people who are physically, emotionally, and mentally vulnerable. Scientology is helping people in need, right?

The Bible Isn’t Against Gay Marriage

Christians tell me all the time that the Bible is against homosexuality and that is why they oppose gay marriage. There is a problem with that however… okay, I suspect there are many problems with that, but I want to only focus on this one. The Bible doesn’t say that gays shouldn’t be allowed to marry.

Why Christians Don’t Want You To Read The Bible

I got into a conversation with a Christian recently and he told me not to bother reading the Bible. He just wanted me to read the four Gospels. He told me that was all I needed to know in order to understand Jesus and be saved. I recommended to him that he should read the entire Bible cover-to-cover… if he could stomach it.

Sexual Fantasies: ‘Why Is The One Flesh Not Enough?’

Apparently there is some Christian “counselor” who is writing a book about the dangers of sexual fantasies. In her description she wonders why the one flesh is not enough. Her view appears to be that sexual fantasies are a symptom of emotional trauma and that people shouldn’t act on them.

Atheist Inspirational

There are a lot of problems in the world and people get depressed either because of their biochemistry or because the world can be a pretty hard place to live in at times. Atheists often don’t have the support network that religious believers often have and so we can sometimes feel isolated and discouraged. But there is hope.

Kneel Before Your Loving Father!

Some of you may not know this, but I am a loving father. I have two young children at home with me and like all loving parents I only want the best for them. So over the weekend, I demanded that my 3 1/2-year-old son kneel before me and worship me. I even allowed him to see me, which is more than I can say for parental deities.