Tag Bible

The Bible Cured Cancer!

What happens when you mix the wackiness of homeopathy with the ridiculousness of religion? You get the Matthew 4 Protocol. I don’t know if you heard, but cancer has completely vanished from the Earth. No, I haven’t noticed that either. But this morning I got an e-mail from The Washington Times telling me that the Bible has cured cancer.

Jesus Was Not About Charity

I’m a Star Wars scholar; not a Biblical scholar, but I have read the Bible a few times and I think almost everyone has gotten the wrong idea about Jesus. He was not really a charitable kind of guy. Charity was not his thing.

God’s A Failure!

A Christian recently said on Twitter that God’s plan was for Adam and Eve to live forever in the Garden of Eden. This view is fairly common among fundamentalists and it shows a key plot-hole in the whole system. It shows that God is a failure.

Is God A Metaphor Too?

Liberal Christians are always telling me that God didn’t really mean this or that Jesus didn’t really mean that. Those parts of the Bible are metaphors and only atheists and the small minority of about 48% of Christians take that part literally. Real Christians of course understand the Truth and that is that the entire Bible is to be taken metaphorically except for the existence of God, some of Jesus’s magic tricks, his resurrection, and anything else liberal Christians want to believe really happened.

The Proper Thinking Christianity Deserves

Christians often get upset with me and other atheist writers when we talk about the beliefs that a large number of Christians actually believe. They claim that we are merely making a strawman argument, that our criticisms don’t represent their beliefs, and that we don’t give True Christianity the proper thinking that it deserves.

Religion Is an Embarrassment To Humanity

There really is no nice way of saying this but religion really is an embarrassment to humanity. I just have a hard time believing that the majority of the people on this planet are willing to suspend the use of logic, reason, and the scientific method in favor of ancient myths that are ridiculous, self-contradictory, and immoral. Why would anyone belief such absurd stories from people who thought the world was flat over the actual scientific understanding of our modern world complete with testable evidence.

Rise of the ‘New Mathematicians’

There is a dogmatic movement within Mathematics to get people to abandon their deeply held belief that 2+2=5. These “New Mathematicians” don’t respect everyone’s opinion about Math. Instead, they not only wish to push their own view of math on others, but they actually go out of their way to tell those with differing beliefs that our math is wrong. Worse yet, these “New Mathematicians” are preaching this view in schools and trying to make children as hateful and bigoted as they are about math.

Christians Gonna Hate

A year and a half after Jessica Ahlquist won her fight to secularize her school by having a Christian prayer banner removed she still faces hate and threats of violence from Christians. Obviously not all Christians are hateful assclowns, but the fact is that many of them are and it really shouldn’t be such a surprise.

Hey Rachel Held Evans, No Deal!

Last week, liberal Christian blogger Rachel Held Evans wrote an interesting piece for CNN’s Belief Blog titled, “Hey atheists, let’s make a deal.” So here is her deal: