Tag atheism

The Future Is Almost Here!

Holy fuck, we are on the verge of creating warp drive! According to a recent article on io9.com, physicist Harold White is working in the lab to test a theory, which if successful could lead to the construction of a warp drive. Aside from the sun, our nearest star is 4.3 light years away, but with this new warp drive, we could get there in two weeks.

Twilight, God, and Predestination

By now everyone knows that the author of the Twilight books is a Mormon and that the books contain a distinctly fundamentalist view of gender roles. I confess that I have not read the books so I am taking that view in large part from commentaries I have read about the books and from my other confession… I have actually watched the movies and the last movie reminded me about some ideas I had about God and predestination.

Christians: Think Before You Greet

It isn’t that big of a deal, but it still is somewhat of a deal when Christians in the month of December, who mean well, greet everyone they meet with a “Merry Christmas.” Look, no one is going to die because they are greeted by an inconsiderate jerk, but when you are trying to greet someone, you probably should be mindful of how your greeting will be received.