Category Religion

Obama: ‘God has called them all home’

Last night, President Obama delivered a speech at a memorial service for those killed in the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. His speech was extremely religious in tone. But for me the really offensive part came toward the end of the speech when the President said about the victims that “God has called them all home.”

Twilight, God, and Predestination

By now everyone knows that the author of the Twilight books is a Mormon and that the books contain a distinctly fundamentalist view of gender roles. I confess that I have not read the books so I am taking that view in large part from commentaries I have read about the books and from my other confession… I have actually watched the movies and the last movie reminded me about some ideas I had about God and predestination.

A Case Against Missionaries

Let’s say Tom Cruise sent a “mission” of Scientologists to Uganda to help people. The group brings food, medical supplies, etc. But the poor starving people in Uganda need more than just food and medical supplies, they need hope too. So Cruise and company offer a free personality test and auditing session for everyone. He isn’t forcing Scientology on anyone, merely introducing it to starving people who are physically, emotionally, and mentally vulnerable. Scientology is helping people in need, right?

The Storm That Stole Halloween

The Frankenstorm is here and it looks like it will be affecting the area until Tuesday and maybe Wednesday. Prior to the storm, I had to take down my Halloween decorations from outside as I began the Frankenstorm preparations. Even if the storm is over by Wednesday, Halloween parades may be cancelled. If the storm hasn’t ended, Trick-or-Treating may be cancelled as well.

Abraham’s Choice: The Story of Brother Stephen

A number of years ago, when I was doing the Dangerous Talk radio show on WCUR 91.7 FM in West Chester, I had a fundamentalist Christian preacher on the show who went by the name, Brother Stephen. Brother Stephen and his friends would travel to different Universities and tell everyone that they were going to Hell… even the other fundamentalists Christians.