Category Politics

Let Your Representatives Know You’re Here

Before the National Atheist Party imploded, they had a really great campaign in which they asked atheists to ask politicians how they would represent their atheist constituents. This was a brilliant campaign because it let politicians know that atheists exist and that we vote. Today, I want to call your attention to another opportunity to let your politicians know you exist.

Atheists Did Not Deliver!

Yesterday was Election Day and atheists had a rare opportunity to send a powerful message to the political system in the United States of America. There was a candidate in Arizona’s 5th congressional district who was an open atheist. This was our chance and atheists did not deliver.

Election Day: The Exciting Midterms

Election Day is like the Super Bowl to me. I love them and now that my term as Minority Election Inspector is up, I thought I would be able to relax this Election Day. Nope, I am now a Democratic Party Committee Person for district and so I will be out there pushing a few of candidates and making sure the Republicans aren’t up to no-good. Despite my heavy involvement here in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I am more interested in what is going on in Arizona on Election Day.

The Economy of Futurism

About a year ago, I read a news story about a proposal to give every citizen in Switzerland $2800 as a basic income. I remember talking about this with my progressive friends and to my surprise I was the only one who really thought this was a great idea. Sure, critics could easily point out that idea would obviously sound great to me because I am a stay-at-home dad who works a part-time retail job making slightly above minimum wage, but that isn’t why I actually liked the idea.