Over the weekend, the news coverage in the Philadelphia suburbs has been all Pope all the time. I seriously thought…
Category Politics
It is relatively easy to go and speak to a crowd who agrees with you on most of the issues…
Recently there was a “very scientific” poll done by me asking my Facebook friends who they would vote for President,…
On June 26, 2015 the United States Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for states to prevent gays and…
Politicians are always bragging about how they have a plan to create jobs and their opponent’s plan is a job…
As I write this, it is May 2015 and we have well over a year before the election. In fact,…
Before the National Atheist Party imploded, they had a really great campaign in which they asked atheists to ask politicians how they would represent their atheist constituents. This was a brilliant campaign because it let politicians know that atheists exist and that we vote. Today, I want to call your attention to another opportunity to let your politicians know you exist.
Yesterday was Election Day and atheists had a rare opportunity to send a powerful message to the political system in the United States of America. There was a candidate in Arizona’s 5th congressional district who was an open atheist. This was our chance and atheists did not deliver.
Election Day is like the Super Bowl to me. I love them and now that my term as Minority Election Inspector is up, I thought I would be able to relax this Election Day. Nope, I am now a Democratic Party Committee Person for district and so I will be out there pushing a few of candidates and making sure the Republicans aren’t up to no-good. Despite my heavy involvement here in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I am more interested in what is going on in Arizona on Election Day.
About a year ago, I read a news story about a proposal to give every citizen in Switzerland $2800 as a basic income. I remember talking about this with my progressive friends and to my surprise I was the only one who really thought this was a great idea. Sure, critics could easily point out that idea would obviously sound great to me because I am a stay-at-home dad who works a part-time retail job making slightly above minimum wage, but that isn’t why I actually liked the idea.