Category Geek Stuff

Who Watches The Devil’s Due?

The other night, I re-watched the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Who Watches The Watchers.” This is probably the episode that most obviously deals with religion and has become a favorite among atheists.

Does the World Need a Superman?

“Man of Steel” has recently hit theaters and as I discussed yesterday, the religious media are abuzz talking about how the film was filled with religious references. As it turns out, the last Superman film “Superman Returns” actually have more religious symbolism in it.

‘Man of Steel’ Is Not About Jesus

I recently saw the new Superman film, “Man of Steel” and the religious media is ablaze with talk about how the film was “filled” with Christian references. To be honest, I really didn’t see any Christian references in the film… at least not any more than one can pull out of any film if you were intent on finding them.

Is Christianity Un-Christian?

Praise be Christian Piatt! One of my fellow contributors on Huffington Post is the very liberal Christian, Christian Piatt. In the past, his articles almost seem to be atheistic. His newest article takes on the same article I took on yesterday. But more than that, his article gave me an interesting thought that I want to share today.

The Fear of Fiction

There was a recent article on Huffington Post about whether Christians should be watching Game of Thrones. This to me is just another example of Christians being afraid of fiction.

Building A Facebook Community

When I started Dangerous Talk, I wanted it to be a community of people who could explore politically incorrect topics. I wanted it to be a community of geeks who weren’t afraid to dare to be different. I wanted it to be a community of Dangerous Talkers. Over the years, I have gotten away from that and I want to move it back in that direction.