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22 Messages From Atheists To People Who Believe In Creation

The BuzzFeed article featuring 22 messages from Creationists is so awesomely ridiculous that I just couldn’t stop with just posting answered to the 22 messages as my character of Bill Nye, so today I’m going to be asking the questions… as atheist versions of the 22 characters from the original BuzzFeed article.

22 Answers To Messages From Creationists

Matt Stopera of BuzzFeed asked 22 Creations to write down some questions for the scientifically literate following the Nye/Ham debate. I thought it would be fun to answer these questions playing the role of Bill Nye The Science Guy. You can see the photos of the Creationists asking the questions on the BuzzFeed article.

Bill Nye’s Missed Opportunity

Last night I watched the Nye/Ham debate. I know a lot of atheists got on Bill’s shit for even standing next to a hack like Ham, but I was not one of them. As an atheist, I am forced to debate ridiculous beliefs all the time. Ignoring ridiculous beliefs won’t make them go away. Creationism is a ridiculous belief and Bill Nye the Science Guy couldn’t ignore; he had to debate against it and I support that.

Atheists Need to Support Our Political Allies

In today’s political climate, it is not surprising that politicians only seem to come out of the atheist closet after leaving office. The reason for this is that being an open atheist is toxic to a politician’s political career. Not only that, but associating with atheists is even considered toxic. However there are a few politicians who are willing to risk at least that and they deserve our support.

The Bible Cured Cancer!

What happens when you mix the wackiness of homeopathy with the ridiculousness of religion? You get the Matthew 4 Protocol. I don’t know if you heard, but cancer has completely vanished from the Earth. No, I haven’t noticed that either. But this morning I got an e-mail from The Washington Times telling me that the Bible has cured cancer.

Ignoring Ridiculous Beliefs Won’t Make Them Go Away

In a few weeks, Bill Nye the Science Guy will be debating Ken Ham the Creationist “Museum” Guy. When this was first announced, many atheists lost their shit. Richard Dawkins has long held the position that he will not debate a Creationist because he thinks it gives validity to Creationism. That’s his choice, but I disagree. We can’t stick our heads in the sand and pray Creationism goes away.

Yes, I Am Out To De-Convert Religious Believers

Religious believers send missionaries all over the world, they go door-to-door, they have pamphlets, t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc. They are out there trying to “save” non-believers and make us believers. But then they get offended when atheists start to spread the facts about reality and try to de-convert religious believers.

Jesus Was Not About Charity

I’m a Star Wars scholar; not a Biblical scholar, but I have read the Bible a few times and I think almost everyone has gotten the wrong idea about Jesus. He was not really a charitable kind of guy. Charity was not his thing.

Ray Comfort and The Obama Trillion Dollar Bill

I went to a public restroom the other day and saw an obviously phony Obama bill on the ground. Thinking that it was a Tea Party tract, I picked it up and put it in my pocket because I always like to know what the crazies are saying. To my surprise it wasn’t a Tea Party tract. It was even better – A Ray Comfort tract!!!!

The Sunday Assembly Schism

That aside, CNN’s belief page recently published a story about how there is a great schism within the Sunday Assembly. Apparently, the Sunday Assembly in NYC had some problems when the London based leaders told the local leaders to distance themselves from atheism. Lee Moore talks about the problems he had with that and why he and others decided to form the Godless Revival instead.