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Traditions and Beliefs

When we think about religious believers, we tend to think that they all actually believe in the belief system that they identify with, however that might not always be the case. Many religious believers are brought up in the traditions of religion but might not really believe in the actual beliefs – and really, who can blame them. Many of those beliefs are pretty ridiculous.

The ‘We Are God’ Argument

The argument goes like this:
The universe is made up of matter and energy.
We are made up of matter and energy.
Therefore, we are the universe trying to understand itself.
Therefore, we are God.

Christian Films Are Hilarious!

Fundamentalist Christians have been putting out films for a while and not that God’s Not Dead has been successful, we can expect to see more of these super heavy handed religious films from the batshit crazy sector of society.

Does Science Apply To Religion?

Often religious believers will claim that science can’t apply to religion. What they really mean to say is that they would rather not apply science to religion because if science were to apply to religion, it would be extremely obvious that religious claims are not actually true. So of course they will assert that science can’t apply to religion because if you are a religious person, you have to believe that or sacrifice your religion to the alter of science.

The Silver Lining To the Russian Conflict In Crimea

According to a recent article on NPR’s website, the Russians are threatening to shut down a number of GPS ground stations and stop sharing their RD-180 and NK-33 rockets with the United States. For those who have forgotten, the United States has shut down NASA’s Space Shuttle program and currently relies on Russia for all our space travel needs. This means that hostilities with Russia will leave the United States spaceless.

Interpretation Isn’t The Problem – Religion Is!

Many more progressive religious believers and a few misguided atheists insist that religion isn’t really the problem; the problem is merely how some extremists interpret religion. They claim that atheists like me want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I disagree. I just don’t want to drown the baby in baptism.

Ceremonial Prayer

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy claimed that prayer (even explicitly Christian prayer) is not really religious; it is just ceremonial. It is merely a tradition and has no real religious purpose.