Category Atheism

Atheists In Politics: Now Is The Time

We need a rational voice in government and right now there is only one congressman who is an open atheist and a strong supporter of our secular values. That congressman is Rep. Pete Stark, Democrat from California’s freethinking 15th. Now Stark is under fire in a tough political race with a fellow Democrat who just so happens to hate atheists.

Atheist Inspirational

There are a lot of problems in the world and people get depressed either because of their biochemistry or because the world can be a pretty hard place to live in at times. Atheists often don’t have the support network that religious believers often have and so we can sometimes feel isolated and discouraged. But there is hope.

Atheism Has A Suicide Problem

This is something we don’t like to admit, but it is true. There is a problem within the atheist community of depression and suicide. I know we would all like to believe that atheists are happier people than religious believers and in many ways we are. But we also have to accept the reality that in some very important ways we are not.

Free Saber 2.0

Despite the fact that I keep correcting journalists when they call Egyptian atheist activist, Alber Saber a “Coptic Christian,” most journalists don’t know who he is or what has happened to him. His story remains a fringe story banished to the rarely read religion sections of most media outlets.