Author Staks Rosch

The Boogieman’s Greatest Trick…

I keep telling people that the Boogieman is real. He hides under people’s beds and in their closets and he makes them do horrible things. He is the cause of all that is evil in the world. His greatest trick has been to convince people he doesn’t exist.

Kneel Before Your Loving Father!

Some of you may not know this, but I am a loving father. I have two young children at home with me and like all loving parents I only want the best for them. So over the weekend, I demanded that my 3 1/2-year-old son kneel before me and worship me. I even allowed him to see me, which is more than I can say for parental deities.

A Debate To Forget

Yesterday was definitely not a debate to remember. For starters, Obama actually beat Romney as the most boring man on the stage. Granted, he didn’t win the most boring man in the room; that prize went to moderator Jim Lehrer.

What Will Obama’s Excuse Be If…

Even though I voted for Obama in 2008, I never bought into the belief that he was a progressive Democrat. His record has always been moderate to conservative and as President he has been moderate to conservative just as his record had indicated. Some of my Democratic Party friends have told me that Obama is a progressive, but he hasn’t been able to get anything progressive done because the Republicans keep blocking him. I call bullshit.

Conference & Network Launch

It has been a busy weekend. First, I attended the PA State Atheist/Humanist Conference on Saturday and now I’ve moved Dangerous Talk to the Skeptic Ink Network. I’m still busy tweaking the new site and trying to catch up from the weekend. Oh, and it was Blasphemy Day on Sunday too.