Imagine rifling through your old crud to find some old booky thing and thinking, “Hey, that looks old. I wonder…
Author Jonathan MS Pearce
This is from the BHA (British Humanist Association): Peers in the House of Lords have discussed the persecution of humanists…
Liz Kendall, running for Labour leadership in the UK, was rightfully indignant about the shiteness of the Daily Mail, Britain’s…
I am interested in the conflict within Islam between being gay and believing in the Qu’ran and the Hadith. I would…
John D. Bargh is a psychologist with an interest in matters concerning free will. He contributed a chapter to a superb…
I recently wrote an article for the Free Inquiry on free will and its growing acceptance as an illusion in…
This will definitely be TL;DR (Too long; didn’t read), but… In discussing some thing on a private thread with a…
The Little Book Of Unholy Questions is my 2011 book which acts as a cumulative case against the existence of…
This is from blog contributor Aaron Adair, whose own blog can be found here: I recently had the pleasure of…
On Monday 20th July I am giving a talk on free will to the Chichester Humanists at the Chichester Inn, 38…