Dolomites: via ferrata
Here is a short clip (with sound) from the trip to Italy with some friends last summer.That’s me at...
Here is a short clip (with sound) from the trip to Italy with some friends last summer.That’s me at...
Did this review for Norm at normblog. Go here. C.S. Lewis, author of the Narnia books, also wrote a book...
Ted Honderich has developed a theory of consciousness which he calls radical externalism. Colin McGinn...
Is there not a good case for ensuring that every school, state-funded or not, should do the following? 1....
Incidentally, I checked the Ofsted report on Ibrahim’s school (he is no longer head, it seems). Before...
For those arriving late – this is an ongoing dialogue between myself and Ibrahim Lawson, head of a...
Incidentally, that there’s something deeply inadequate about religious education as currently provided...
To refocus the dialogue, can we now start commenting here, please… Also, remember the main topic here...
Here’s one more reason to encourage people as early as possible to start thinking independently about...
Here’s another reason why encouraging children to think critically and independently even about moral issues...
[this is a response to the preceding post below – the final sentence is for the benefit of dd, I...
Here’s a bit from my book The War For Children’s Minds. I include it as opening the case for...
Hello Ibrahim Lots of interesting points being made here (especially in your comments on last three posts) –...
Here’s another, hopefully more accessible, way of making the same point I made in my reply to Ibrahim below....
Hello again, Ibrahim (if I may) I have pointed out that other religious folk are able to tolerate – some...
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