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Posted by on Sep 2, 2008 in CFI London | 9 comments

Recommend speakers

Can anyone recommend really good science speakers – preferably with great powerpoints and even some interactive stuff? UK based. It’s for CFI events.


  1. Jack Cohen is a great speaker. A quotation from a book he co-authored:”Science is the best defense against believing what we want to”.

  2. Ben Goldacre is pretty good, apparently. And cheap. 🙂

  3. Completely off topic, but: Did the pain from your two broken clavicles eventually subside, Stephen? Sorry, forgot to ask earlier 🙂

  4. Still hurts a bit, especially at night. The left is setting, though rather wonky. The right one is not broken but permanantly dislocated. But that shouldn’t be a problem I am told (though it sticks up a bit, thus marring my otherwise flawless beauty)

  5. Permanantly dislocated?! They can’t put your clavicle back in place? I never heard of a permanent dislocation before.To commemorate your wreck (or completely by accident), I took my own little spill Friday. Fortunately, I broke the fall for my road bike, and it came away with nother more than the seat and breaks out of place. As for me, I sprained my knee, possibly taring ligaments, and scraped the skin of my knee, shoulder, wrist and forearms. I wasn’t doing anything exciting, impressive or noteworthy, but the incident did convince my to get the perscription on my glasses updated.

  6. I’d reccommend Ben Goldacre as well!

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