For a world with more readily and affordable access to abortions, HPV vaccinations, evidence-based sex education & sex workers’ protections
Tag Vaccines
Herd immunity against measles is no longer in Portugal due to the decrease in the number of people immune to the disease in the last 14 years
A six year old boy with diphtheria was admitted to intensive care at a hospital. It is the first recorded case in Spain since 1987. Vaccination is a kid’s right, not their parents’.
The last major review of the available evidence found that vaccines are safe and that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism. Now, we have new evidence that repeats what we already knew:
Usually, I won’t cheer for Pakistani laws, but this one makes a lot of sense:
They keep on killing people:
Last year, the UN was about to approve a treaty to reduce mercury pollution and environmental mercury exposure across the world,…
Anti-vaxers are getting people to stop vaccinating their children. So, no wonder that got nine kids dead from measles: In…