  • Atheist’s obituary replaces religious symbol with emoji

    Last week died a Catalan woman named Carmen Bustamante Barangó, 75, who was an atheist passed away. Before dying, she requested that instead of a religious symbol, her obituary was to be headed with her favorite emoji — the one which winks while sticking it’s tongue out.

    And that’s how it went:

    Carmen Bustamante Barangó

    She finished this trip —in this world— at home in General Mitre, facing the old Espanyol, at 75 years of age, 05.27.2016; and thanks those of you who met her and took part in this journey full of light, extreme generosity and pride in her island (Menorca), her surname (Bustamante) and her entire clan.

    Her children, grandchildren, sons in law, daughters in law, sister, brother, cousin, nephews and other relatives invite you to remember her in the distance, if you like, or stopping by the memorial ceremony, which will take place on May 29th at the funeral home Les Corts, at 13.30 hours.

    This is a very interesting and original way to remove the superstitious enforcement even in the last moments of life.

    And although it is not very pleasant to think about our own death, how would you want your obituary to replace the religious symbol? What would you like the death notice to say?

    (via Luis Garzón)

    Category: Atheism


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

    Skeptic | Blogger | Fact-checker